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2007 - BECC Annual Report

Published on January 01, 2007

Authored by BECC/COCEF

2007 - BECC Annual Report
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At the global level, in 2007, the average temperature on Earth once again set a record, marking a seemingly unalterable trend. In ways and with approaches that are different and at times divergent, nations speak of this phenomenon with astonishment and concern. Everywhere, initiatives are put forward for dealing with the expected consequences of the greenhouse gases.

Regarding the border, economic development and the demand for new public services, particularly environmental services, continues to grow relentlessly. At the same time, the backlog of needs continues to require attention, and these needs have to be addressed as quickly as possible. The fortunate inertia of progress that has been evident in preceding years, particularly in water and wastewater coverage, is another driving factor: the most urgent needs of the population are gradually being met, and residents are now making a plea for their remaining needs to be addressed, especially since the possibility of greater wellbeing is within their reach. We can see that many communities do not want to wait any longer for the dignified life that they are close to attaining
