BECC & NADB have merged. For the latest information continue to the NADB Transition Website

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Public Access to Information

In accordance with the BECC‐NADB Charter and BECC’s Procedures regarding Public Notice, BECC shall ensure, to the extent possible, the availability of public information and reasonable opportunity to comment on all projects for which certification and financing is requested. BECC, NADB, and the project sponsor shall conduct the following activities.

Public Consultation

To ensure adequate access to public information, BECC and NADB will release a summary of the project proposal, including a list of the most relevant project documents available, for a 30‐day public comment period. Public consultation will be conducted in accordance with provisions regarding Non‐Disclosure of Confidential Information. Upon conclusion of the public comment period, BECC and NADB will provide the Board of Directors with the comments received, along with the appropriate response to those comments. For purposes of responding to public comments, BECC and NADB may consult with the project sponsor as necessary.

Outreach Activity Summary

Voluntarily, or pursuant to legal, regulatory or funding requirements the project sponsor may have conducted public outreach efforts such as the use of local steering committees, meetings with local organizations, surveys, public meetings, or other media outlets to disseminate information on the project. In such cases, the sponsor shall provide BECC, as applicable, with information on the activities conducted, including a summary of any public feedback received. 

Project sponsors can request assistance from BECC for any additional community outreach and consultation efforts that the sponsor deems appropriate, based on project complexity, rate impacts, local political dynamics, environmental and community impacts, and other factors.

BECC has developed detailed public participation guidelines that may be used to facilitate and guide those efforts. BECC is responsible for advising the Board of Directors, in its consideration of any project for certification and financing, of the results of public consultation and outreach activities.