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Border Green Infrastructure Forum IV Materials

Hermosillo, Sonora, May 18, 2017


Build capacities on local authorities, private consultants and professionals’ interest in the strategies, technologies and approaches for Green Infrastructure, with the purpose of incorporating these concepts into the urban development public and private projects.

  Presentations Downloadable Materials


Hector Leyva Ramírez, Subsecretario de Gobierno del Estado de Sonora

Maria Elena Giner - BECC General Manager




Keynote Speaker 1. Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Keynote Speaker: Ana Córdova

Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Presentation Video
4.73 MB
Keynote Speaker 2. Public and Community Health Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Public and Community Health Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Keynote Speaker : Kathleen Wolf

University of Washington

Presentation Video
10.0 MB
Panel 1. Economic Impact of Green Infrastructure

Impact of Green Infrastructure

Carlos Hernández, IMPLAN Aguascalientes

Presentation Video
12.4 MB

Municipal and Community Economic Impact of Green Infrastructure

Augusto Sanchez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Presentation Video
1.32 MB

Green Infrastructure within the Green Growth Framework

Salvador López, Global Green Growth Institute

Presentation Video
1.49 MB
Keynote Speaker 3. One water-managing water in urban areas into the future

One Water: Sustainable management of life's essential resource 

Ponente Magistral: Irene Ogata

Urban Landscape Manager City of Tucson

Presentation Video
3.27 MB
Green Infrastructure Design Guidelines Manual Presentation

Green Infrastructure Design Guidelines Manual Presentation

Guadalupe Peñuñuri, IMPLAN Hermosillo
Eduardo Hinojosa, IMPLAN Hermosillo

Presentation Video
10.4 MB
Panel 2. Green Infrastructure Legal Framework - Challenges and Opportunities

Green Infrastructure in the Legal Framework: advances in state legislation

Congresista Sandra Hernández

Presidenta de la Comisión de Energía, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático del Congreso del Estado

Presentation Video
0.5 MB

Green Infrastructure Legal Framework: Challenges and opportunities

Arq. Lourdes Angelina Muñoz

Síndica Municipal del H. Ayuntamiento de Hermosillo

Presentation Video
0.5 MB

Green Infrastructure as a tool to create resiliency against Climate Change

Mtra. Carla Neuder

Comisión de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Sonora

Presentation Video
0.6 MB